Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I'm ready to start this up again...

With my kiddos heading back to school, I'm looking forward to blogging workouts again. I have learned even more over the last two years of working out in the gym, and can't wait to share. I still keep my workouts simple which could be done pretty much everywhere, but have added a ton of plyometrics. I'm going to get to work, and hopefully have a few posts in August.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Running Tips

Do you like to RUN? Do you want to start RUNNING?? Here are some tips...

I have been running for 14 years and hope to run until I am 70 years old. I have learned a few things over the years after making many mistakes. I have spent most of my running years outside, but since having kids it is more convenient to just run on my treadmill.

1. Make a goal. How much time do you have? How much energy do you have? How many miles do you want to run? Know what you did last time and improve on it.

2. Start really slow. This is your warm up, this will help prevent injury and let your body work into the idea of running. I start with a fast walk, then a slow jog for about 10 minutes. It allows my heart to catch up to my legs.

3. I run in 5 minute increments. I love to have goals from big to small. It keeps me focused. After my warm up, I start to increase my speed and run at that pace for 5 minutes, then increase it again until I get to my goal pace.

4. Once I get to a comfortable pace, then my I switch to 10 minute increments. At those 10 minutes, I take a quick drink of water, stretch, catch my breathe and jump back on the treadmill. My little breaks last about 15 seconds.

5. Stretch as you go. I never stretch when my muscles are cold. Once they are warm, I stretch multiple times during a run. If it feels tight, stretch it.

6. If you get bored quickly, try changing the incline or do some sprints to mix things up.

7. Don't let your breathe get away from you. If you can't breathe, then your pushing yourself too hard. Take your time getting to a pace that gets your heart rate up to 75 to 80% of your max heart rate. Slow down and work your way back up.

8. Relax your arms! There is no need to run like Rocky, as if you are about to punch something. Let your arms rest and hang naturally at your sides. The only time I pump my arms is when I am taking on a hill and need an extra boost. Other than that, they should be at about a 90 degree angle.

9. Don't get sloppy because you may get hurt. If my pace is too fast, I may start to get a little sloppy and my heart rate will start to rise. This is my body's way of telling me that I am going too fast and that I need to slow it down. Listen to your body.

10. Cool down like you warmed up... Slowly! Once again, I change my pace and open my stride as I cool down.

11. Finish on a good note and positive thoughts. If you get off and you feel beat, will you want to run again soon? With a slow cool down and some good stretches, feel proud of yourself and review what you accomplished. I love to finish with a smile.

What I do:
My goal is 60 minutes and 5-6 miles.
The first 10 minutes are my warm up on a 10% incline at 3.5 - 4 mph pace.
Lower the incline to 2.5%
The next 5 minutes at 6 mph.
Then 6.5 mph
Then 6.8 or 7 mph
I will try to stay at 7 for the next 30 minutes.
At 50 minutes is when I start to come back down and slow my speed.
Done, and feeling good about myself!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Workout #3 - Back and Shoulders

Workout #3 Back and Shoulders

I am not going to tell you what weight to use or how many repetitions. Each individual will vary depending on fitness level. I recommend starting with a light weight on the first round to warm up the muscles. Then each move after that, try to choose a weight that causes enough resistance to allow a maximum of 20 repetitions.

Row and Back Extension: Stand with your feet hip-width apart, holding a pair of dumbbells in front of you. Keeping your knees slightly bent, lean forward at the waist until your torso is parallel to the floor and the weights are mid-shin level. This is the starting position. Pull the weights up toward your rib cage. Stand up, holding the dumbbells at your chest. Reverse the movements by lowering to the bent-over row position and extending your arms back to start.

  • Take it slow... concentrate on the muscles between your shoulder blades and your lower back.

  • Keep your back straight. Using a mirror can help with form.

Cross Body Chop: Using a dumbbell or medicine ball (any kind of weight), stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Extend the weight over your right shoulder as high as you can, then lower it back across your body to you left foot.

  • Don't swing your arms, make it a nice smooth motion.

  • Go slow so you feel it all the way up and all the way down.

  • Will work your core, shoulders upper back and your glutes.

Ab Leg Lift: While standing, hold a set of dumbbells at your shoulders. Alternate bringing your right knee to your left elbow, then left knee to right elbow.

  • Keep your back straight.

  • Bring you knee up as high as you can and twist slightly to reach your elbow.
Those are your 1st three exercises. Follow them in order 3 times without rest. Now lets start the next set of moves...

Push Up Row: Get into Push up position with your arms straight and your hands resting on dumbbells, feet slightly wider than hip-width apart. Brace your abs as you pull one dumbbell toward your body until your elbow is above your back. Pause, then slowly return the weight to the floor and repeat with the other arm

Ball Leg Lift: Rest your hips on the ball (can also use a bench, couch, floor). Keep your feet together and legs straight while lifting your legs as high as you can. Return your feet to the floor and repeat.

  • Point those toes.
  • Hold the lift for a few seconds
  • Feel it in your lower back

Core Roll: Lie on your back on the ball. Hold one dumbbell above your head and grab your wrist with the other hand. Rotate your body to the side that is holding the weight. Return your shoulders to the ball. Repeat until it burns, then switch to the other side.

  • Concentrate on your abs and sides.
  • Keep your hips straight.
  • The ball will roll side to side.
  • Don't go too fast, or you may roll off your ball.

So do these three moves three times each and you are done! Maybe some cardio now???

If you don't have access to a Cardio Machine here are some ideas. I actually would do most of these before I had a treadmill and while my kids napped. With the blinds closed, I would turn on some music and do a set of moves for each song. About 15 songs later, I was done...

Cardio Ideas:

Jump Rope

Use your stairs or fireplace as a step

Kick Boxing


Jumping Jacks

Workout dvd

Just moving your body

Monday, August 17, 2009

Work Out #2 - Chest and Shoulders

Chest and Shoulders

Put on my heart rate monitor and did some dancing around for 5 full minutes to warm up. Ready, set, go...

First Set of Moves:

Push Up with T Stand Perform a push up, and when you come up, rotate your body to the right and lift your right arm straight up over your shoulder so that your body forms a T. Bring your right hand back to the floor. Do another push up, and repeat to the left.

  • Take it slow... these can get sloppy if you move too fast.
  • If you are familiar with Yoga/Pilates, this is a T position with a push up

  • Do as many as you can each round.

Standing Chest Press Stand with your feet more than hip width apart and bend your knees. Lift dumbbells until your upper arm is parallel to the floor in an L shape and slowly press the weights in front of your face with your elbows almost touching then return.

  • Keep your upper arms parallel to the floor as you flap your wings.
  • Pause each time you press in and squeeze your chest tight.
  • Nice and slow

Plank Get into a push up position, but lower yourself to your elbows with your hands below your face. Your body should form a straight line. Tighten your abs and hold the position for as long as you can.

  • If you need a slight break, just drop one knee to the ground.
  • It seems easy at first, so concentrate on keeping that back straight and those abs tight.

Do each of those moves 3 times each without stopping. If you can, increase the weight each time. You are halfway done...

Second Set of Moves:

Chest Fly on the Ball (or bench) Lay with your back on the ball and feet on the floor. Hold the dumbbells at arm's length, palms facing each other then lower the weights out to each side while keeping your arms straight. Then slowly return to starting position.

  • For more of a challenge on the ball, close the gap between your feet

Wood Chopper Hold one dumbbell with both hands and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Let the dumbbell hand naturally in front of your thighs. Squat down until your knees are bent at 90 degrees. Keeping your elbows slightly bent, press up to standing position, swinging the dumbbell up overhead. Return to squat position.

  • Chop Chop!

  • It should be one fluid motion

  • Don't swing fast, but rather nice and easy
Rising Sun with Shoulder Roll Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and dumbbells in held in front of your thighs. Bend your knees slightly. Bend your upper body forward with your back straight until your torso is parallel to the floor and the weights are hanging down in front of you. Rise back up and once you come all the way up, roll your shoulders back.

  • Keep your back straight

  • It is a good balance to work your back along with your abs.
3 times in a row, 3 times each... and you are done!!!!!

For my Cardio, I planned on walking on the treadmill at an incline, but my daughter was asleep on the bed and I wasn't about to disturb her. So I did 35 minutes on our Elliptical and later pulled the girls around the block in a wagon.

Tomorrow I plan to work my Back and Abs... and hopefully run again since my legs feel a bit tight. The best thing to do with sore muscles is to return blood flow to them by doing some light exercises.

Each week I tend to work the same muscle groups together, but I am constantly changing the moves. I get bored fast... so I try to keep it interesting for me and you!

The "Good" Day Diet

My love for candy is in my GENES. Just ask my mother and my dentist. But for mostly 3 weeks out of each month my eating habits can be kept at bay. For that "bad" week, I just let it go and take comfort in my brownies if you know what I mean.

Many of you have asked what I eat so I decided to blog this too. Anyway, I am not a nutritionist, but I enjoy trying to get the best out of my foods and applying newly learned nutritional facts to my life.

When I was young and dumb, I used to think that because a product said "fat free" then I could eat it without worry. A standard lunch for me was FF Bologna, with FF cheese and FF mayo on brown bread. I drank Diet Coke by the Costco case. I did more damage to my body than good. I was starving it of nutrients.

This list is what I strive to include in my daily diet. Of course, if I haven't been to the store to stock my fridge or if we are on vacation or I'm on a date with my husband then this goes out the window.

My Daily Diet
  • Plain Yogurt - Low Fat
  • Blueberries, blackberries, any berry
  • Granola
  • 1/4 of an Avocado
  • Carrot
  • Almonds
  • Whole wheat bread (1st ingredient must say whole wheat flour)
  • Milk - not my favorite, but don't we all need the calcium
  • Peanut Butter
  • Cherries (as jam or just plain cherries cuz they are great for repairing muscles/joints)
  • Tons of fruit - it helps control my sweet tooth
  • At least two veggies with dinner
  • Meat (lean cuts, but no Turkey bacon)- I can go all day without it so I try to include it in one meal for the protein
  • Green Tea and Black Tea - great antioxidants
  • Olive Oil or Flaxseed

Foods I try to stay away from:

  • Nonfat or Fat Free product
  • Fake/Imitation Cheese
  • Fake sugars, but rather just smaller amounts of the real thing
  • Meat with Nitrates - look for All Natural varieties (hard to find)
  • Hydrogenated Oils - it is in most of our pre-packaged snacks
  • Flavored Juices or waters
  • Diet Sodas - they just make me feel hungry
  • I can't believe it is not butter - I just use the real thing and it has only 2 ingredients

Some of my Diet Tricks

  • If I am going to eat my kids' leftovers, then why make my own plate?
  • Put leftovers in the containers before I sit down with my plate. It keeps me from eating more than I planned.
  • If I am taking the kids to the drive thru, then I will eat a protein bar prior so that I am satisfied and not tempted to order.
  • If I want something sweet, then I drink a tall glass of water and eat a piece of fruit, which will normally take the craving away.
  • Don't eat sweets during the day because once I eat one tiny piece of candy it will turn into 10.
  • I try to eat my sweets at night so I can sleep off the rest of my simple carbohydrate cravings.
  • When I need to take back control of my eating habits, I start a food log to keep track of my calories.
  • Rather than beat myself up emotionally after a "bad" diet day, I try to put it behind me and welcome the new day.
  • Stay away from the scale. A little water weight can ruin my whole day.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Workout #1 - Arms with Pictures!

Arms... AKA Biceps and Triceps

Put on my heart rate monitor it beeps at me when my heart rate falls below my cardio zone, which in turn, keeps me moving!

5 minutes of warm up: included dancing around the room until I felt loose and thankful the blinds were closed.

These exercises include the use of dumbbells and an exercise ball. Start with the lowest weight (3 or 5lbs), then increase the weight each time you complete a set. These movements are to be non-stop in order to keep your heart rate up. No breaks in between repetitions or sets. Just keep moving and get the most out of the workout time.

Bicep Curl with a knee raise While standing with arms at your side, palms up, alternate raising each arm and lift the corresponding knee as high as you can.

Work on slow controlled movements along with keeping your balance.

If it is too difficult to combine the two movements, then just split them up.

Do as many repetitions until it is difficult or you start to lose your form.
If it is too easy, then up your weight.

Overhead Triceps with Squat While standing with your legs more than shoulder width apart, hold one weight with both hands over your head. lower the weight behind your head until your arms are at a 90 degree angle. At the same time, lower your body and do a squat by bending your knees to another 90 degree angle.

Slow and controlled, try to make it a fluid motion

If it is too difficult to combine the two movements, then split them up.

  • Do as many reps until it is difficult and you can feel the burn

  • If your legs burn out before your arms or vise versa, then stop the legs and focus only on arms

AB Ball Stand with feet more than shoulder width apart and toes pointed outward, hold an exercise ball or weight straight out in front of you. Rotate the ball or weight side to side while bending your corresponding knee.

You should feel this in your abs, obliques and back
  • Keep your back straight

  • Try not to rotate your hips, just your upper body

Do these 3 exercises 3 times consecutively each without resting.

Don't stop now, you are halfway done!

Bicep Hammer Curl on One Foot Standing with legs bent slightly, hold your dumbbells with palms inward and begin curling the weight with alternate arms. Then lift one foot off the ground and hold. Halfway through, alternate the legs.

Keep your arms close to your sides

  • Slow and controlled

  • Feel the burn

Bent-Over Triceps with Legs Bent With dumbbells in each hand, bend over until your upper body in parallel to the floor. Bring your upper arms to your sides and press the dumbbells back, then slowly lower. Keep your feet together and bend at the knees at about 45 degrees.

Keep your arms close to your sides

  • Slow and controlled

  • If your legs start to burn too much then lighten the angle, but don't lock out

Leg Pull-in with Ball Lie on your back on the floor while holding your exercise ball or light weight over your waist. Lift your shoulders off the floor and rotate the ball/weights from side to side. Begin lifting your legs off the floor in a kicking motion.

This one includes a lot of different movements. If it is too difficult, exclude the legs and just use side to side motion with the ball.

Complete these 3 exercises 3 consecutive times without stopping. These combined exercises should take about 30 minutes to complete.

YEAH! 6 different exercises done 18 times... Are you ready for some Cardio????

The last part of my exercise routine includes running on my treadmill. I love to run, it is my passion. Some days I go slow, some days I walk and some days I catch the "runner's high," and can go all day.

I recommend choosing a cardio activity that you enjoy or can tolerate for at least 30 minutes.
I am off to start my Monday workout, which should include some chest, shoulder and abs. I don't like to run two days in a row so I may walk on an incline with weights for an hour.